We believe that all students learn best when there is mutual respect. We consider it our responsibility to find the teaching methods that reach each individual student, not the other way around. We believe that coaching is a privilege and that coaches have a responsibility to be excellent educators as well as exceptional role models. We believe our students playing youth hockey have goals that are just as important as those of our NHL students. We believe that becoming comfortable with mistakes and failure is integral to success, that mistakes and failures become tools, not obstacles. We expect our skaters to always give 100% effort, and we are committed to doing the same.
Each season all students must fill out a registration form, agree to all policies, and sign all waivers before beginning lessons.
ColdRush jerseys or any team jerseys may be worn for semi-private and private lessons. Jerseys that represent any hockey school or camp other than ColdRush are not permitted. While not required, students that would like to purchase a ColdRush jersey can do so by contacting lessons@coldrushhockey.com. ColdRush jerseys are included in the cost of ColdRush Camps and Summer Program and only ColdRush jerseys should be worn for these programs.
REGULAR SEASON HOCKEY SKATING INSTRUCTION– Full gear is the norm and highly recommended. Helmet, gloves, shin guards, mouth guard, and stick are required.
GOALIES: If you are taking shots, wear full goalie gear. If you are a goalie enrolled in skating lessons, please contact Coach Wendy for information about what to wear. Decisions are made based on the age and experience of the goalie, the goals for the instruction, and the type of session they will be attending.
BE RESPECTFUL. All ColdRush students and parents are expected to treat lesson mates, fellow parents, ColdRush & rink staff, & other rink patrons with respect. Inappropriate language, talking negatively about other players or coaches, yelling, rude or disrespectful behavior is not tolerated. Please respect the ice too, do not dispose of any human fluid on the ice.
TRY! Effort is our primary expectation. Talent and experience are not pre-requisites, but self-motivation is. Students unwilling to try their best will be removed from the schedule regardless of parent/coach wishes.
LEAVE THE COACHING TO US. Parents are not permitted to verbally or use body language to communicate with their children during a ColdRush session. It’s natural to want to watch your children, we just ask that you not stand somewhere where your child will be distracted by your presence, such as right on the glass. If your child looks at you during their lessons, please leave the rink or stand where they can’t see you. All of this to say… Allow your child to OWN their instructional experiences… good and bad, because learning how to handle both is important.
REWARD THE EFFORT NOT THE OUTCOME. Feel free to judge us for the quality of the instruction, you are paying for the lessons and that is fair, but please resist comparing your child to others on the ice or judging them on how well or not they skated that day. Allow your child to own their instructional experiences, good and bad, because learning how to handle both is important. If you have a concern about the instruction communicate with us directly so we can address the issue.
BE RESPECTFUL. Speaking negatively about the lessons, other skaters, our staff, rink employees, skaters on your chid’s team or any team, etc. is toxic behavior that won’t be tolerated. The children of parents who engage in this type of behavior will be removed from the program. A word of unsolicited advice from Coach Wendy: Hockey is a small community. When parents engage in toxic behavior their children are the ones that bear the burden for the entirety of their playing careers. No coach wants a player whose parent has a reputation for talking negatively, both because they don’t want to be the next victim of that conversation and because they know that kids often emulate their parents and they don’t want negativity in their locker room. When the stakes are higher, in juniors, college, and pros, there are many talented players to choose from and character becomes the deciding factor. The reputations players create when they are young follow them into their teenage and young adult years. The best thing parents can do for their young hockey players is to SHOW them what being a good person looks and sounds like.
When travel to the rink is dangerous we will cancel our lessons. We do NOT base our cancellations on the schools’ decisions so please check our website when the weather is questionable. In the event of a cancellation we will make the announcement through email. If we have not cancelled lessons but you believe the roads are unsafe, use your own best judgment. If you decide not to attend based on road conditions please send us an email at lessons@ColdRushHockey.com. You will not be penalized for missed lessons due to inclement weather as long as you submit a cancellation BEFORE your lesson time.
*Winter road conditions can vary wildly in the DC area. Even if the roads are fine where you live, if there is precipitation in the DC area and temperatures are near freezing, it’s advisable to check your email before heading to the rink.
LESSON FEES: Most of our instruction is pay in advance. For ColdRush semi-private and private lessons, invoices are sent to the skaters after the lessons end. Late fees will be applied to accounts that are more than 30 days past due. Accounts that are 60 days past due will be suspended from participation until payment is satisfied in full or other arrangements have been made.
ICE FEES: The ice where students take their instruction is a separate charge and is paid directly to the rink per the directions provided to you in your welcome email.
All of our pay-in-advance programs have stated cancellation policies on the registration forms.
Our in-season instruction is offered in 4-6 week blocks. Skaters are given the option to re-register but no skater is required to continue throughout the season.
If your skater is injured or has a life disruption and needs to suspend their lessons immediately, please contact Kimberly Harter as soon as possible.
If your skater is sick please contact Kim and she will work with you to find a solution. Make-up classes are not available for some levels.
*** Students will be charged full price for lessons that are not cancelled according to policy!
*** Excessive cancellations, even excused cancellations, may result in the loss of your lesson spot.
All Lessons are Subject to Change
We strive to create a lesson environment that maximizes the learning potential for each skater. That is the reason that every lesson is considered a temporary lesson until the instructor, student, and parent are satisfied that the lesson is a fit. Most changes occur early in the season, however, occasionally we will ask a skater to switch later in the year if it becomes apparent that he or she would benefit from a different lesson group.
General Information: Lessons@ColdRushHockey.com
Questions regarding your statement: Billing@ColdRushHockey.com
Direct line to ColdRush, Business Manager, Kimberly Harter: Kimberly@ColdRushHockey.com
Dream Big & Do Whatever It Takes. ~ColdRush